Tuesday, August 28, 2012

My love/hate relationship with Cantaloupe

As far back as I can remember, I have hated the taste of cantaloupe. So why is it the best growing thing in my garden? A few years ago, I was living in a small home on a small corner lot with no room for a garden. I decided to plant a few tomato plants next to the house anyway and try a cantaloupe seed just to see if I could get it to grow. Grow it did! I was so excited to see tiny little cantaloupes trailing out over my lawn. I thought, just maybe I will like it because it's homegrown! Nope, still hated the stuff.

My kids love it though. And I LOVE to grow it. Cantaloupe always grow exceptionally well in my gardens. I love the looks of the plant, the leaves, the cute little round fruit. I get so excited when I see those very first little fuzzy green fruit. I just wish I loved to eat it.

 I think I'll be passing a few off to my neighbors this year. Out of 1 plant, I have 5 fruit nearly ripe and another 7 or 8 (that I can see) just getting started. And to think I would have double that if I hadn't accidentally pulled the other plant up while weeding :(  I hope the warm weather holds out until they are finished.

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